#0114 Elbow tendinopathy and occupational biomechanical overload: A systematic review with best-evidence synthesis

Examining the link between elbow disorders and exposure to biomechanical risks at the workplace
Medial elbow tendinopathy, commonly known as “golfer’s elbow”, is a painful condition of the upper limb. Along with lateral elbow tendinopathy (“tennis elbow”) and olecranon bursitis (“dart throwers’ elbow”), they primarily affect sportspeople and manual laborers. There are some biomechanical risks factors associated with these conditions: lateral and medial elbow tendinopathies are typically linked to repetitive wrist and elbow movements and awkward postures, among other symptoms, while olecranon bursitis has been associated with the recurrence of microtrauma, such as tendon stress.
To better understand whether biomechanical risk factors at workplaces were contributing to the onset of these three painful disorders, we conducted a systematic review of the available literature in 2019.
Our search yielded scant evidence for the association between occupational exposures of biomechanical risk factors with the three conditions. Firstly, there was limited evidence between workplace exposure and the development of lateral elbow tendinopathy. Secondly, there was insufficient proof linking medial elbow tendinopathy to biomechanical risks at the workplace. Thirdly, there was simply no research examining a possible link between olecranon bursitis and biomechanical overload.
Our findings on lateral and medial elbow tendinopathies stands in contrast with that of previous systematic reviews. This signals an acute need for well-planned and properly designed cohort studies that study elbow tendinopathies with the best available techniques. Scientists must also decide upon an objective exposure assessment scale and look into nonoccupational biomechanical risk factors and comorbidities. Otherwise, meta-analyses and systematic reviews will continue to fail at detailing and understanding occupational musculoskeletal diseases.

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Title of the paper:
Elbow tendinopathy and occupational biomechanical overload: A systematic review with best-evidence synthesis
Stefania Curti, Stefano Mattioli, Roberta Bonfiglioli, Andrea Farioli, Francesco S. Violante