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2023.12.22 16:57
#0126 Korea’s Soaring Suicide Rates: Gender Inequality and Work Stress to Be Blamed
2023.05.04 17:33
#0121 Type and timing of exercise during lunch breaks for suppressing postprandial increases in blood glucose levels in workers
2023.05.03 17:50
#0099 Frequency of night shift and menstrual cycle characteristics in Japanese nurses working under two or three rotating shifts
2023.12.22 17:05
#0133 All pain and no gain: How physical and mental work stresses cause muscle pain
2024.01.29 16:05
#E0062 Are Gambling Addicts in the Workplace Invisible?
2023.05.04 10:23
#E0018 Mental health of high-level politicians: diagnostics, public discussion and treatment―a narrative review
2023.12.27 15:48
#0146 Association of hairdressing with cancer and reproductive diseases: A systematic review
2023.04.29 14:06
#0024 Comprehensive analysis of hazard of ultraviolet radiation emitted during arc welding of cast iron
2022.03.31 22:26
#0002 Sweating on a Dime: Socioeconomic Disparity Influences Habitual Exercising among Urban Workers in Tokyo
2023.05.03 16:39
#0091 Walking at work: Maximum gait speed is related to work ability in hospital nursing staff
2024.04.21 16:01
#0153 Pregnancy Challenges in the Workplace: Can a Mobile App Promote Healthy Practices and Self-Care?
2022.07.26 08:55
#0007 The Deleterious Health Effects of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles
2022.07.26 08:50
#0006 Workplace Responses and Employee Mental Health and Performance in the Time of COVID-19
2023.04.29 10:39
#0014 Health status of workers approximately 60 years of age and the risk of early death after compulsory retirement: A cohort study
2023.12.28 11:05
#E0044 Are Wearable Devices Useful in Tracking Health Parameters of Truck Drivers At Work?
2024.01.29 16:12
#E0063 Do school bullying experiences affect workplace behavior?
2023.04.30 13:31
#0057 Is work engagement associated with healthier dietary patterns? A cross-sectional study
2023.12.22 16:55
#0124 High Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Food and Beverage Industry Workers
2023.05.04 11:04
#E0023 Preparation of a scoring-based occupational health management assessment tool and its utilization for the first step to improve workplace
2024.04.21 15:01
#0157 Sparks of Concern: Exploring Welding Fume Exposure and its Association with Neurological Functions
2022.03.31 12:18
#0001 Effective Workplace Communication and Lower Psychological Distress after a Disaster
2023.12.22 16:57
#0126 Korea’s Soaring Suicide Rates: Gender Inequality and Work Stress to Be Blamed
2023.12.22 17:05
#0133 All pain and no gain: How physical and mental work stresses cause muscle pain
2023.05.04 17:33
#0121 Type and timing of exercise during lunch breaks for suppressing postprandial increases in blood glucose levels in workers
2023.05.03 17:50
#0099 Frequency of night shift and menstrual cycle characteristics in Japanese nurses working under two or three rotating shifts
2023.04.29 14:06
#0024 Comprehensive analysis of hazard of ultraviolet radiation emitted during arc welding of cast iron
2023.12.27 15:48
#0146 Association of hairdressing with cancer and reproductive diseases: A systematic review
2023.05.04 10:23
#E0018 Mental health of high-level politicians: diagnostics, public discussion and treatment―a narrative review
2022.03.31 22:26
#0002 Sweating on a Dime: Socioeconomic Disparity Influences Habitual Exercising among Urban Workers in Tokyo
2024.01.29 16:05
#E0062 Are Gambling Addicts in the Workplace Invisible?
2022.07.26 08:50
#0006 Workplace Responses and Employee Mental Health and Performance in the Time of COVID-19
2023.04.29 10:39
#0014 Health status of workers approximately 60 years of age and the risk of early death after compulsory retirement: A cohort study
2023.05.03 16:39
#0091 Walking at work: Maximum gait speed is related to work ability in hospital nursing staff
2023.12.28 11:05
#E0044 Are Wearable Devices Useful in Tracking Health Parameters of Truck Drivers At Work?
2023.05.04 11:04
#E0023 Preparation of a scoring-based occupational health management assessment tool and its utilization for the first step to improve workplace
2024.04.21 16:01
#0153 Pregnancy Challenges in the Workplace: Can a Mobile App Promote Healthy Practices and Self-Care?
2023.12.22 17:01
#0130 Exposing the Silent Killer: New AI-based Method for Detecting Toxic Airborne Asbestos Fibers
2024.04.21 14:01
#0154 Cooling Down the Heat: A Special Vest Can Keep Workers Cool in Scorching Temperatures
2023.12.27 16:28
#0150 Pulmonary toxicity of tungsten trioxide nanoparticles in an inhalation study and an intratracheal instillation study
2023.12.25 09:29
#0134 Don’t Let Them Fail: Work Pressure Bringing You One Step Closer to Chronic Kidney Disease
2022.07.26 08:55
#0007 The Deleterious Health Effects of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles
2024.04.21 13:01
#0151 Harnessing Extraoral Vacuum Technology to Safeguard Against Metal Dental Material Particulate Dispersal
2024.01.29 16:48
#E0003 Editorial: Advancing collaborative practice and preventive culture in work and community life
2023.12.22 16:57
#0126 Korea’s Soaring Suicide Rates: Gender Inequality and Work Stress to Be Blamed
2023.12.22 17:05
#0133 All pain and no gain: How physical and mental work stresses cause muscle pain
2023.05.03 17:50
#0099 Frequency of night shift and menstrual cycle characteristics in Japanese nurses working under two or three rotating shifts
2023.12.27 15:48
#0146 Association of hairdressing with cancer and reproductive diseases: A systematic review
2023.04.29 14:06
#0024 Comprehensive analysis of hazard of ultraviolet radiation emitted during arc welding of cast iron
2023.05.04 17:33
#0121 Type and timing of exercise during lunch breaks for suppressing postprandial increases in blood glucose levels in workers
2024.01.29 16:48
#E0003 Editorial: Advancing collaborative practice and preventive culture in work and community life
2022.03.31 22:32
#0003 High Levels of Work-time Control Reduce Sickness Absence due to Musculoskeletal Disorders
2022.07.26 08:55
#0007 The Deleterious Health Effects of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles
2024.04.21 16:01
#0153 Pregnancy Challenges in the Workplace: Can a Mobile App Promote Healthy Practices and Self-Care?
2022.03.31 22:26
#0002 Sweating on a Dime: Socioeconomic Disparity Influences Habitual Exercising among Urban Workers in Tokyo
2023.05.04 11:04
#E0023 Preparation of a scoring-based occupational health management assessment tool and its utilization for the first step to improve workplace
2024.01.29 16:05
#E0062 Are Gambling Addicts in the Workplace Invisible?
2023.12.22 16:55
#0124 High Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Food and Beverage Industry Workers
2023.04.29 16:45
#0036 Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of CMV and EBV among nurses working in pediatrics, transplantology, and primary health care
2022.03.31 12:18
#0001 Effective Workplace Communication and Lower Psychological Distress after a Disaster
2022.07.26 08:50
#0006 Workplace Responses and Employee Mental Health and Performance in the Time of COVID-19
2023.12.28 11:05
#E0044 Are Wearable Devices Useful in Tracking Health Parameters of Truck Drivers At Work?
2023.04.29 11:31
#0017 Assessment of occupational noise‐related hearing impairment among dental health personnel
2024.04.21 14:01
#0154 Cooling Down the Heat: A Special Vest Can Keep Workers Cool in Scorching Temperatures
2023.04.28 15:35
#0008 Associations between welding fume exposure and neurological function in Japanese male welders and non-welders
2023.05.04 14:56
#0103 Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of CMV and EBV among nurses working in pediatrics, transplantology, and primary health care
2023.05.04 10:23
#E0018 Mental health of high-level politicians: diagnostics, public discussion and treatment―a narrative review
2023.05.03 16:39
#0091 Walking at work: Maximum gait speed is related to work ability in hospital nursing staff