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2023.04.29 11:31
#0017 Assessment of occupational noise‐related hearing impairment among dental health personnel
Dental Practitioners Are at a Risk for Work-Related Hearing DamageProfessionals working in the field of dentistry are prone to various occupational hazards, especially hearing damage due to various medical devices and laboratory machines used in dental practice. Regular, long-term exposure to the noise generated by these machines can cause problems in the functioning of the ear, leading to hearing impairments. To prevent this threat, it is important to assess the effect of these machines on various groups of dental professionals.To this end, we conducted a study to assess the effects of the noise emitted by the dental instruments. We conducted hearing tests on a total of 244 male and female participants working in different roles in dentistry. Through a questionnaire-based survey, we also collected their personal and health-related data, in addition to their professional information such as years of experience and estimated number of hours per day that they are exposed to noise-producing machines. We compared the result of the assessment of the participants with a control group of dental students who were less exposed to such noise.